Get Involved
Supporting your business and community
Benefit from collaborating with Nature +
Leverage from Trinity College world class research excellence global unique infrastructure, network opportunities and intellectual property.
The nature of collaboration with your organisation can take many shapes and forms and it will be a result of an open and flexible dialogue. As a matter of example below are detailed some of the potential examples of collaborative work:
Funding support vehicles
Collaborate and benefit from funding support.
These funding vehicles can be used for a range of activities including (but not limited to) new product/service development, new business model development, leverage from new technology, infrastructure and international networks, support organisations to assess impact to biodiversity and natural capital on which your company depends on.
Do you need to understand how your business can make a positive difference?
Nature+ can provide you with help on understand challenge and scoping solutions for them.
Who to Contact?
Excellent track record of engaging locally & globally
Our dedicated Business Engagement Team have the experience and networks necessary to build project teams from across the entire breath of our University, delivering over 100 major research and development projects for clients each year. We also have the flexibility and timing response to complete one-off, bespoke projects.
Our graduates and post-graduates have been recognised among the very best Entrepreneurs in Europe for 6 successive years (Pitchbook 2014 to 2020). Engagement with Trinity though research is the best was to meet and identify this talent pool.
For research related questions:
Professor Jane Stout
Professor Yvonne Buckley
For business development and innovation related questions:
Dr Juan Valverde
Patrick Lansley